O poema "Eu, etiqueta", 1984. Escrito pelo poeta modernista Carlos Drumond de Andrade (1902-1987), descreve a complexidade do consumo que interage com a identididade social e o corpo.
Em minha calça está grudado um nome
Que não é meu de batismo ou de cartório
Um nome... estranho.
Meu blusão traz lembrete de bebida
28 de maio de 2012
18 de abril de 2012
Um exercício: A Construção de um pensamento Sócio-Antropológico aplicado ao cotidiano da Moda
Este é o curso que vou ministrar no 8º Colóquio de Moda - 17 a 20 de setembro de 2012 - Rio de Janeiro
Público-alvo: Profissionais e pesquisadores de moda nos campos da Administração, Artes Plásticas, Arquitetura, Comunicação, Design, Figurino, Marketing e áreas afins.
Objetivo: A proposta deste mini-curso consiste em trazer para o campo da moda - o pensamento Sócio- Antropólogico. Ressaltando sua importância na vida social e na construção e definição dos componentes culturais, tais como o vestuário e a moda. As ciências sociais quando pensam em moda, sua preocupação consiste em analisá-la como fenômeno social verificando seu desdobramento e circulação por meio da identidade sócio-cultural dos vários grupos sociais presentes em determinado tempo e lugar.
Ao falarmos de Moda, nos referimos à peças que os indivíduos portam sobre seu corpo, refletindo em símbolos e representações. Imprimindo expressões de um valor social construído do grupo pelo qual participa, valor este arquitetado na produção cultural e política que organiza estes corpos. Sem esquecer, que a moda ocupa um lugar central em nossas vidas porque nos permite definir nossa identidade social
15 de abril de 2012
Lars Svendsen: Moda: Ausência de crítica séria e descomprometida
Ciência e Cultura
Print version ISSN 0009-6725
Cienc. Cult. vol.62 no.2 São Paulo 2010
ENTREVISTA Lars Svendsen
Por: Astrid Façanha
Lars Svendsen, professor associado do Departamento de Filosofia, da Universidade de Bergan, na Noruega, e autor do livro Fashion: a philosophy (editora Reaktion) esteve no final do ano passado, em São Paulo, para uma palestra sobre a crítica jornalística, no evento Pense Moda. Segundo o filósofo, desde quando a haute couture foi introduzida por volta de 1860, a moda aspira fazer parte do universo da arte, do qual foi excluída no século XVIII, quando passou a ser considerada mero ofício ou artefato.
Ainda assim, alguns dos primeiros designers de moda como Charles Frederick Worth (1825-1895) e Paul Poiret (1879-1944) se consideravam artistas e gostavam de pensar que criavam não sobre encomenda, mas a partir da própria subjetividade. Worth passou a "assinar" suas obras, ao colocar etiqueta com seu próprio nome nas suas roupas. Poiret tinha uma visão romântica da moda, criava peças autorais, se inspirava em correntes artísticas da sua época além de ser colecionador de arte e frequentador de ateliê de artistas.
Por: Astrid Façanha
Lars Svendsen, professor associado do Departamento de Filosofia, da Universidade de Bergan, na Noruega, e autor do livro Fashion: a philosophy (editora Reaktion) esteve no final do ano passado, em São Paulo, para uma palestra sobre a crítica jornalística, no evento Pense Moda. Segundo o filósofo, desde quando a haute couture foi introduzida por volta de 1860, a moda aspira fazer parte do universo da arte, do qual foi excluída no século XVIII, quando passou a ser considerada mero ofício ou artefato.
Ainda assim, alguns dos primeiros designers de moda como Charles Frederick Worth (1825-1895) e Paul Poiret (1879-1944) se consideravam artistas e gostavam de pensar que criavam não sobre encomenda, mas a partir da própria subjetividade. Worth passou a "assinar" suas obras, ao colocar etiqueta com seu próprio nome nas suas roupas. Poiret tinha uma visão romântica da moda, criava peças autorais, se inspirava em correntes artísticas da sua época além de ser colecionador de arte e frequentador de ateliê de artistas.
9 de abril de 2012
Por um mapa antropológico da moda
Ciência e Cultura
Print version ISSN 0009-6725
Cienc. Cult. vol.62 no.2 São Paulo 2010
Entender a moda pelo enfoque antropológico. Esse é um dos roteiros de reflexão que permeia a atual trajetória intelectual do antropólogo italiano Massimo Canevacci, autor de Culturas extremas: mutações juvenis nos corpos das metrópolis (DP&A, 2005). Titular da cadeira de antropologia cultural na Faculdade de Sociologia da Universidade La Sapienza de Roma e professor visitante nas universidades de Frankfurt e de Nova York, Canevacci é autor de inúmeros livros que abordam estudos sobre antropologia das artes visuais, do cinema e das culturas urbanas.
Em sua primeira visita ao Brasil (1), Canevacci discutiu quais são as articulações existentes na moda, que atuam desde sua produção imaterial, seu consumo, as redes de contradições da mesma, além de enfocar ideologia e modismos. Para o antropólogo, o estudo sobre o tema, a partir de vários enfoques e correntes de pensamento, só melhora a sua compreensão.
Print version ISSN 0009-6725
Cienc. Cult. vol.62 no.2 São Paulo 2010
ENTREVISTA Massimo Canevacci
Por um mapa antropológico da moda
Tarcísio D'Almeida
Por um mapa antropológico da moda
Tarcísio D'Almeida
Entender a moda pelo enfoque antropológico. Esse é um dos roteiros de reflexão que permeia a atual trajetória intelectual do antropólogo italiano Massimo Canevacci, autor de Culturas extremas: mutações juvenis nos corpos das metrópolis (DP&A, 2005). Titular da cadeira de antropologia cultural na Faculdade de Sociologia da Universidade La Sapienza de Roma e professor visitante nas universidades de Frankfurt e de Nova York, Canevacci é autor de inúmeros livros que abordam estudos sobre antropologia das artes visuais, do cinema e das culturas urbanas.
Em sua primeira visita ao Brasil (1), Canevacci discutiu quais são as articulações existentes na moda, que atuam desde sua produção imaterial, seu consumo, as redes de contradições da mesma, além de enfocar ideologia e modismos. Para o antropólogo, o estudo sobre o tema, a partir de vários enfoques e correntes de pensamento, só melhora a sua compreensão.
2 de abril de 2012
30 de março de 2012
20th Annual Art of Motion Picture Costume Design exhibition
Todo ano o FIDM - Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, que é uma das principais escolas de moda de Los Angeles exibe em seu museu os figurinos que ganharam o Oscar/12.
O figurino do filme The Artist (2011) foi considerado o melhor pela Academy of Motions Pictures Arts and Sciences.
O figurino do filme The Artist (2011) foi considerado o melhor pela Academy of Motions Pictures Arts and Sciences.
26 de março de 2012
A Construção de um pensamento Sócio-Antropológico aplicado ao cotidiano da Moda
Hoje recebi a notícia que o mini-curso que estou prôpus para o VIII Colóquio de Moda e V Congresso Internatiocional foi aceitO.
Um exercício: A Construção de um pensamento Sócio-Antropológico aplicado ao cotidiano da Moda
Não preciso dizer que fiquei feliz. Agora é preciso lotar a sala de aula!!!
Um exercício: A Construção de um pensamento Sócio-Antropológico aplicado ao cotidiano da Moda
Não preciso dizer que fiquei feliz. Agora é preciso lotar a sala de aula!!!
17 de março de 2012
Guggenheim e Kandinsky

Ainda em NYCity!
O museu Guggenheim tem uma construção predial que realmente impressiona.
Seu formato é cilindrico e sua parte interna respeita esta disposição, assim, ao entrar no museu e ir caminhando pelo seu espaço interno você vai subindo pela circuferência.
A exposição desta temporada era um conjunto de obras do Kandinksy, enfatizando seus trabalhos feitos na Bauhaus (1922-1933).
O trabalho desenvolvido por V. Kandinsky enfatiza as geométricas desempenhando um papel dominante no vocabulário pictórico na Bauhaus.
Nesta fase o artista estava interessado em descobrir uma linguagem universal estético, o que aumentou o seu uso de superfícies planas sobrepostas, e claramente formas delineada.
Outrora o trabalho de Kandinsky fez parte das minhas pesquisas estéticas quando estava pesquisando minha primeira coleção de acessórios feitas de tecidos impermeáveis. Esta concepção de formas geométricas me inspiraram no processo criativo das estampas e na construção de algumas peças. Essas estampas ainda não foram publicizadas mas assim que forem impressas, poderão conferir sua influência no meu processo criativo.
16 de março de 2012
Arms and Armor - Armas e Armaduras

Minha última viagem foi à New York city (fevereiro-março/12)
E no roteiro básico de conhecer a cidade que é bela, mas que durante o inverno é muito fria. Os museus são as melhores alternativas para se manter aquecido.
Foi então que fui ao The Metropolitan Museum of Art fantástico e gigantesco. Como existe inúmeras galerias escolhi ver coleções de peças que raramente seriam expostas em Los Angeles, CA.
Das quais eu visitei, a que mais me impressionou foi a de 'Armas e Armaduras'.
O acervo contém peças que impressionam pela a riqueza de detalhes que denotam os traços culturais nos impérios arábe, indiano, greco-romano, japonês e chinês.
E no roteiro básico de conhecer a cidade que é bela, mas que durante o inverno é muito fria. Os museus são as melhores alternativas para se manter aquecido.
Foi então que fui ao The Metropolitan Museum of Art fantástico e gigantesco. Como existe inúmeras galerias escolhi ver coleções de peças que raramente seriam expostas em Los Angeles, CA.
Das quais eu visitei, a que mais me impressionou foi a de 'Armas e Armaduras'.
O acervo contém peças que impressionam pela a riqueza de detalhes que denotam os traços culturais nos impérios arábe, indiano, greco-romano, japonês e chinês.
Pois de alguma maneira sabemos que Armas e armaduras têm sido uma parte vital de praticamente todas as culturas há milhares de anos.
Característica fundamental não só na conquista e defesa, mas também na pompa da corte e eventos cerimoniais. Ao longo do tempo a melhor armadura e armas representaram as maiores capacidades artísticas e técnicas da sociedade e período em que elas foram feitas, formando um único aspecto de ambas história da arte e da cultura material.
30 de janeiro de 2012
An Intellectual Fashion
Esta matéria é interessante para perceber como a cultura da moda esta próxima do nosso cotidiano e se comunica como as demais expressões sócio-culturais.
Scott Schuman is the founder and editor of the iconic fashion blog The Sartorialist which he set up in 2005. He achieved considerable influence with his photographs taken in the streets, a selection of which was published as a book by Penguin in 2009. Aside from his work for The Sartorialist, Schuman has contributed to advertising campaigns for brands including Burberry and Gap.
How would you connect fashion to elegance?
Elegance is a certain gracefulness. Garance [Doré, Schuman's partner and fellow blogger] and I were recently talking about the most elegant people we’ve met and she mentioned a couple of names. I said, "You know, it’s interesting, I knew of all those people. And I don’t know if we could call all of them fashionable or stylish". But what they all had in common was that they all had good manners. They were very graceful, very well-mannered, very polite. A lot of these things are what actually most people see as elegance. Elegance really expresses itself through one’s actions.
What is the role of history and art history in your conception of fashion?
Wasn’t it Chanel who once said "people who don’t know history are bound to repeat it"? I love costume history and fashion history. It’s fascinating, especially for someone like me, that does a blog. It has such an interaction with a wider audience that doesn’t necessarily read fashion magazines. My pictures say something about the style, about fashion. But they’re also just portraits, they’re nice photographs. A lot of people will say "wow it’s crazy, nobody could dress like that outside of New York". But people did dress like that in the 1500s, during the Renaissance. You can see that through fashion history. It gives us context.
Would you describe fashion as a language and a discourse, as Barthes did it?
Now, more than ever, fashion is becoming a two way conversation. Before, it was mainly expressed through fashion magazine, through photography. Now, with the internet, a fashion photograph that is on my blog, or anyone’s blog, can be commented on by anyone. It creates a two way conversation, on style, on fashion, that is much more open than it has ever been.
The word "intellectual" was coined in a time of great political distress. Does fashion have a political role? And in which way?
Maybe not so much fashion as style: it has a political role in the sense that social implications go with the way you are dressed. No political candidate would dress in Rick Owens. That doesn’t say "political power and stability" to most people. They are dressed in the wardrobe that says "political power, political stability". These people are not really expressing who they are through fashion. They’re actually hiding it in the idea of what political power should look like.
How would you relate the concept of "fashion" to the one of "style"?
I’ve thought about this a lot. Fashion and style are like the wheels of a clock. Fashion runs more quickly. And like in a clock, the smaller wheel makes the larger work. So many people like to say "style is eternal, but fashion is right now". What you have to do is fashion history and see that, even in men’s wear, a navy blazer from 1970 looks totally different from a navy blazer from 2010. Although most people say that fashion is going faster and faster, yet, my book from three years ago, continues to sell very well; to inspire people. Fashion’s cycle may have spinned up, but the way people want to change their look simply hasn’t.
What does fashion have to do with intellectuality ?
To me, the question would be more about "style" than "fashion". Fashion doesn’t have anything to do with intellectual, unless you’re a designer and you have the intellect to put together different inspirations. Someone like Dries van Noten really puts together separate ideas, from different cultures, different concepts. Style relates more directly to the intellect: everyone uses his or her style to fit in the social group they want to be part of. Nobody dresses different from what they want to be. When guys wear football clothes, they want to look like the regular guy, they don’t want to express the same thing as when they wear ties and jackets. The expectations are different. Their style is different. They use their intellect to find how to fit in.
You take pictures of people on the street. What is the reason behind it ?
It’s two-fold: first, as I love fashion, fashion magazines, runway shows, going on the street was not to replace magazines and runway shows, it was more of a supplement. The book of inspirations comes somewhere between the runway and what is on the street. It is easy for me to find magazines and runway shows that I like, but very difficult to find on the street shots that I find inspiring. So I did it myself. And when I started, people thought that "on the street" meant the craziest looks, people with mohawks, etc. I don’t dress crazy, just slightly better than average. So I decided to shoot people that were much more subtle in their style, just as strong, just as good, but more subtle. And at the same time I was falling in love with photography. My father was a photographer, producer, and he worked in a studio. But I love the spontaneity of shooting in the street, the challenge of using this context. The street furnitures mean something of the time they are from.
The impact of blogs, and the importance of street photography, seems to indicate that fashion is becoming somehow democratic. Do you believe in that ?
The medium now is so inexpensive: it’s so cheap to do a magazine, to take photographs. So it means that more people can produce it, and that people have more choice. They can choose who they want to listen to. I don’t think that the rise of the Internet has hurt Condé Nast, but now, instead of three voices on fashion, it’s like television: there are the big majors, and many other channels to choose from. So people want one international channel, like a Vogue, a Harper’s Bazaar, and something local, that relates to who they are. There’s more of it, and people can select. They want something good.
Fonte: Anothermag.com
Scott Schuman is the founder and editor of the iconic fashion blog The Sartorialist which he set up in 2005. He achieved considerable influence with his photographs taken in the streets, a selection of which was published as a book by Penguin in 2009. Aside from his work for The Sartorialist, Schuman has contributed to advertising campaigns for brands including Burberry and Gap.
How would you connect fashion to elegance?
Elegance is a certain gracefulness. Garance [Doré, Schuman's partner and fellow blogger] and I were recently talking about the most elegant people we’ve met and she mentioned a couple of names. I said, "You know, it’s interesting, I knew of all those people. And I don’t know if we could call all of them fashionable or stylish". But what they all had in common was that they all had good manners. They were very graceful, very well-mannered, very polite. A lot of these things are what actually most people see as elegance. Elegance really expresses itself through one’s actions.
What is the role of history and art history in your conception of fashion?
Wasn’t it Chanel who once said "people who don’t know history are bound to repeat it"? I love costume history and fashion history. It’s fascinating, especially for someone like me, that does a blog. It has such an interaction with a wider audience that doesn’t necessarily read fashion magazines. My pictures say something about the style, about fashion. But they’re also just portraits, they’re nice photographs. A lot of people will say "wow it’s crazy, nobody could dress like that outside of New York". But people did dress like that in the 1500s, during the Renaissance. You can see that through fashion history. It gives us context.
Would you describe fashion as a language and a discourse, as Barthes did it?
Now, more than ever, fashion is becoming a two way conversation. Before, it was mainly expressed through fashion magazine, through photography. Now, with the internet, a fashion photograph that is on my blog, or anyone’s blog, can be commented on by anyone. It creates a two way conversation, on style, on fashion, that is much more open than it has ever been.
The word "intellectual" was coined in a time of great political distress. Does fashion have a political role? And in which way?
Maybe not so much fashion as style: it has a political role in the sense that social implications go with the way you are dressed. No political candidate would dress in Rick Owens. That doesn’t say "political power and stability" to most people. They are dressed in the wardrobe that says "political power, political stability". These people are not really expressing who they are through fashion. They’re actually hiding it in the idea of what political power should look like.
How would you relate the concept of "fashion" to the one of "style"?
I’ve thought about this a lot. Fashion and style are like the wheels of a clock. Fashion runs more quickly. And like in a clock, the smaller wheel makes the larger work. So many people like to say "style is eternal, but fashion is right now". What you have to do is fashion history and see that, even in men’s wear, a navy blazer from 1970 looks totally different from a navy blazer from 2010. Although most people say that fashion is going faster and faster, yet, my book from three years ago, continues to sell very well; to inspire people. Fashion’s cycle may have spinned up, but the way people want to change their look simply hasn’t.
What does fashion have to do with intellectuality ?
To me, the question would be more about "style" than "fashion". Fashion doesn’t have anything to do with intellectual, unless you’re a designer and you have the intellect to put together different inspirations. Someone like Dries van Noten really puts together separate ideas, from different cultures, different concepts. Style relates more directly to the intellect: everyone uses his or her style to fit in the social group they want to be part of. Nobody dresses different from what they want to be. When guys wear football clothes, they want to look like the regular guy, they don’t want to express the same thing as when they wear ties and jackets. The expectations are different. Their style is different. They use their intellect to find how to fit in.
You take pictures of people on the street. What is the reason behind it ?
It’s two-fold: first, as I love fashion, fashion magazines, runway shows, going on the street was not to replace magazines and runway shows, it was more of a supplement. The book of inspirations comes somewhere between the runway and what is on the street. It is easy for me to find magazines and runway shows that I like, but very difficult to find on the street shots that I find inspiring. So I did it myself. And when I started, people thought that "on the street" meant the craziest looks, people with mohawks, etc. I don’t dress crazy, just slightly better than average. So I decided to shoot people that were much more subtle in their style, just as strong, just as good, but more subtle. And at the same time I was falling in love with photography. My father was a photographer, producer, and he worked in a studio. But I love the spontaneity of shooting in the street, the challenge of using this context. The street furnitures mean something of the time they are from.
The impact of blogs, and the importance of street photography, seems to indicate that fashion is becoming somehow democratic. Do you believe in that ?
The medium now is so inexpensive: it’s so cheap to do a magazine, to take photographs. So it means that more people can produce it, and that people have more choice. They can choose who they want to listen to. I don’t think that the rise of the Internet has hurt Condé Nast, but now, instead of three voices on fashion, it’s like television: there are the big majors, and many other channels to choose from. So people want one international channel, like a Vogue, a Harper’s Bazaar, and something local, that relates to who they are. There’s more of it, and people can select. They want something good.
Fonte: Anothermag.com
10 de janeiro de 2012
CIRCUITO DE MODA E ARTE - 5ª EDIÇÃO - 14/01 a 10/03/2012
Com base no acesso democrático e descentralizado à cultura de moda,aconterá durante 3 meses a 5ª edição do Circuito de Moda e Arte.
Confira a programação completa, pelo site da Galeria Central
Abaixo alguns eventos organizados pela Aliança Francesa.
De: 14/01 a 11/02/2012.
"COULISSES DE LA MODE" do fotógrafo francês Bruno Pellerin.
L'oeil Aliança Francesa. Brooklin -SP/Capital
De: 24/01 A 10/03/2012
23/01 às 19H00, Coquetel de abertura
"LUMIÈRE DE SOI(E)" dos irmãos Dorothy e Nido O Campolongo.
Confira a programação completa, pelo site da Galeria Central
Abaixo alguns eventos organizados pela Aliança Francesa.
De: 14/01 a 11/02/2012.
"COULISSES DE LA MODE" do fotógrafo francês Bruno Pellerin.
L'oeil Aliança Francesa. Brooklin -SP/Capital
De: 24/01 A 10/03/2012
23/01 às 19H00, Coquetel de abertura
"LUMIÈRE DE SOI(E)" dos irmãos Dorothy e Nido O Campolongo.
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